Chapter Events

Greater Cleveland ATD is excited to bring you on-going professional development programs and events. Check this page regularly for newly announced monthly professional development programs and special chapter events. IF you have ideas you would like to see presented, please let us know. We want to make our programs valuable.

As we plan programs throughout the year, we strive to keep in mind the ATD Capability Model.  

If you would like to know more about the model, or take your own personal self-assessment, you can check it out here.


We are excited to be able to bring you a quick sketch of our plan for the next few months for your Professional Development Sessions. We hope you will watch for the announcements of these upcoming events and plan to join us!

Upcoming events

  • No upcoming events
ATD Greater Cleveland · 1931 King James Pkwy · Suite 122 · Cleveland ·OH · 44145


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